Fluoride - Fall 2017

August Longo, Victoria Zhang, Michelle Cheng


The Fluoride subteam seeksto dvelop a sustainavble, inexpensive fluoride removal system for implementation in upcoming AguaClara plants located in India. After earning an EPA Phase II grant for the Spring 2016 fluoride remocal reactor, the subteam continued to improve fluoride purification by testing lab-scale systems consisting of either a single reactor or two reactors in series. During the experimentation process, clay was incorporated into the influent stream to abate PACl buildup at the bottom of the reactors. As the subteam seeks to transplant their system to India, it is currently working to optimize fluoride removal by minimizing use of resources. Thus, the team is currently trying to eliminate the use of clay and lower PACl dosages by increasing upflow velocity and further redesigning its reactor. Initial tests suggested insufficient fluoride removal for potable effluent, but the team is looking to repeat its previous experiments using the summer 2017 High Rate Sedimentation subteam’s reactor design
