Trickling Filter - Spring 2018

String Digester — Jillian Whiting, Ben Gassaway, Rosie Krasnoff


The trickling filter subteam's objective for this semester was to identify problems with trickling filters and to provide possible solutions to these problems. The long term goal of the team is to create a novel design for a trickling filter that will perform secondary and tertiary treatment on domestic wastewater in a future AguaClara wastewater treatment plant. After an extensive literature review, two bench scale experiments were conducted. The first test aimed to characterize the hydraulic behavior of a trickling filter and the flow of water through its packing media. The team used this information to identify the areas within the system with the greatest potential for improvements. From this information, the first prototype was built using strings to control flow paths and create a high surface area to volume ratio. Preliminary tests were conducted on the prototype to determine flow dispersion, residence time, and optimal string spacing.

String Apparatus.jpeg